What We Treat

We specialize in treating the neuromusculoskeletal system. This includes the spine, shoulders, elbows, arms, wrists, knees, hips, legs and feet.

Dr. Jason C Steinle has extensive experience working with the following injuries:

ü Whiplash Injuries
ü Back pain
ü Disc herniations
ü Arthritis
ü Facet syndrome
ü Rib subluxations
ü Carpal tunnel
ü Tennis elbow
ü Gait imbalances
ü Frozen shoulder
ü Muscle spasms
ü Trigger points
ü Bursitis
ü Sterno-costo problems
ü Cervicogenic headaches
ü Tension Headaches
ü TMJ tracking issues
ü Thoracic outlet syndrome
ü Muscle tears and sprain/strains
ü Rotator cuff injuries
ü Impingement injuries
ü Spine subluxations
ü Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
ü Knee injuries
ü Meniscus injuries
ü Foot pronation
ü Shin splints
ü Plantar Fascitist
ü Balance/Proprioception issues
ü Patellar tracking problems
ü IT band syndrome
ü Anterior head carriage
ü Scoliosis
ü Auto-accidents
ü Sports injuries
ü Osteoarthritis
ü Osteoporosis
ü Poor posture
ü Hip Injuries
ü Repetitive stress injuries
ü Pinched nerves
ü Golfer's elbow

Beyond the injuries we work love working with people in the preventative and wellness phases of care.