"His approach was so confident, careful and scientific."

“First of all, I should give some background about my vertigo and other health challenges. My husband and I took a two week trip to Australia and New Zealand in February. While on our trip I came down with a serious case of bronchitis. It didn't limit our activities too much, but on the trip home I became terribly ill and that's when the vertigo set in. When we got back to Colorado, I visited my primary care doctor who put me on antibiotics and advised me that the vertigo would go away on its own. It didn't go away, but became worse, to the point that I struggled with daily activities and had days when I was almost completely bedridden. I went back to my doctor and was told to try various over the counter medications, none of which worked. I was referred to an ENT and he had me try numerous medications, including Valium and Prednisone. These didn't work either, but made me considerably more ill. That's when some friends recommended that I see Dr. Jason Steinle. It was somewhat of a last resort. I had never been a regular chiropractic patient, and was somewhat fearful about having my back adjusted. Dr. Steinle impressed me immediately because he listened to my story with such concern. He documented every detail of my story in my chart. I couldn't believe that. Then on that first office visit he told me he had a theory of what might be causing the vertigo, or at least a contributing factor. I was so thrilled that he at least had an idea, something to consider. The specialist had no idea what was the cause and told me there basically was no cure for my type of vertigo. Dr. Steinle ordered xrays. His approach was so confident, careful and scientific. I was buoyed by all of this. When the results confirmed his theory that I had degenerative disc disease in my neck, and that this was at the very least a contributing factor to the vertigo, I immediately started the treatment plan he prescribed. So what has happened since I started my treatment with Dr. Steinle has been amazing! That very first day he told me to ice my neck when I got home. I didn't even know I had a problem with my neck, but I went home and did as he told me. I've never felt anything that wonderful. It just felt so good and helped relieve the headache that accompanied the vertigo. When the adjustments started, the improvement was significant. I felt somewhat better immediately, had improved range of motion in my neck, and after about 4 weeks the vertigo cleared up completely! In addition to the vertigo since moving to Colorado in 2007, I have had very serious respiratory issues. Every year I have had 2-3 serious respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis, colds, H1N1 flu, etc. It's been so discouraging for me, especially since my husband and I love the outdoors and being active. Dr. Steinle addressed this as well, saying that thoracic spinal issues can lead to repeated respiratory problems. Normally by now I would have experienced severe respiratory illness, however I can report that this is the first summer I have not been sick. I credit the chiropractic care for this change as well. Now I can enjoy an active life and be involved in activities. I would recommend Dr. Steinle to anyone who has struggled with issues like mine.” Carol Wood Evergreen, CO.