“The core muscles include not only those in your abdominals and back, but also muscles in your pelvic floor and hips. Many of your core muscles can't be seen because they're buried underneath other muscles. The transverse abdominis, for example, is hiding underneath your rectus abdominis (your six-pack, if you've got one) and encases, or hugs the whole area below the belly button. While the rectus abdominis is sitting on top looking good (that is, if you've been doing your crunches), the transverse abdominis is working hard, keeping your posture upright and protecting many of your internal organs. You can't see the erector spinae, either - it's behind you, supporting your back. And did you know that those pelvic floor muscles aid in stabilizing your spine? All these muscles, and more, work together to keep your trunk stable while your limbs are active. Strong core muscles keep your back healthy. They hold your body upright, improve your balance and enable you to really put some oomph in your arm and leg movements. If the core muscles are weak, your body doesn't work as effectively, and other muscles have to pick up the slack.”