Meet patient Jessica Pontiakos who is very active and enjoys road biking, hiking and running although her biggest hobby is riding horses! She came to Dr. Steinle because of neck tension and stiffness which was affecting her horse riding. Earlier this month, Ms. Pontiakos competed in "Dressage in the Rockies" and won 1st and 2nd place in her level! “If you enjoy the outdoors and doing fun things and want to stay that way, come and see Dr. Steinle because he can fix it all!” Thank you Ms. Pontiakos and we look forward to seeing you acquire more blue ribbons!
Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center provides natural, non-evasive, drug-free healthcare solutions for infants to adults.
Let us help you get back to your favorite sport or activity! Please call us at 303.670.1001 to schedule an appointment!
Where Good Health Comes Naturally!
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