Triathlon Success Story - Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Meet patient Kathleen Allen who has a passion for triathlons! Ms. Allen came to Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center about four years ago. 

"My passion is triathlons and I’ve competed nationally and internationally. Dr. Steinle’s been helping me recover from all the injuries I sustained during a biking accident. The short term effects were a month in the hospital; 8 days in ICU; 7 broken bones; and 11 surgeries. But as the years go by, I still like to be active and different things creep up and Dr Steinle has helped address all of them and help me still be able to compete and be able do all of the things I love. So thank you Dr Steinle! I highly recommend Health & Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center!”

Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center provides natural, non-surgical, drug-free healthcare solutions for infants to adults.

Let us help you get back to your favorite sport or activity! Please call us at 303.670.1001 to schedule an appointment! 

Where Good Health Comes Naturally!

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