“I was experiencing hip pain and had been to a few other chiropractors, but could never get the problem solved. The first time Dr. Steinle adjusted me it was amazing!”
Meet patient, Hailey Maynard, who came to Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center with hip pain. Ms. Maynard shares how she has found pain relief, regained her ability to sleep through the night, and has experienced major digestive system improvements.
“I felt so much relief even after the first time. When I first came to Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center, I was having a hard time walking, and even standing. And, I also couldn’t go a whole night without interrupted sleep. Now I am sleeping through the night!”
Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center provides natural, non-surgical, drug-free healthcare solutions for infants to adults.
Let us help you get back to your favorite sport or activity! Please call us at 303.670.1001 to schedule an appointment!
Where Good Health Comes Naturally!
Visit: http://www.hhcwc.com/
1202 Bergen Parkway, Ste 102
Evergreen, CO 80439
Follow Us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrSteinle